The whirlwind of the first week of school has finished and we survived - quite well, I think! Students have settled in and are becoming familiar with the new routines of a new teacher. Some still need to work on saving the visiting for more appropriate times, but that's to be expected during the first week.
I loved all the presentations for our class museum! We had everything from pictures taken from the family airplane to seashells to Caribbean handicrafts! It's so wonderful to see the range of experiences that your children have been given.
As you may know, we have a class guinea pig. Her name is Willow. Every week, in our rotating classroom duties, 2 students will be in charge of taking care of her. They will make sure her cage is clean, that she has water and food, and will be able to take her into the courtyard for grass (weather permitting) for short periods. I guarantee that you'll hear about it!
Willow's favourite snacks are carrots, peppers, apples and fresh green grass. She loves to snuggle with the kids and will sit quietly on their desks while they are working. Normally, I do not like having antibacterial hand cleaners in my room, as studies show that bacteria are evolving to become immune to them, but since we don't have a sink in our room, sending a small bottle in with your child if they like to hold Willow often is a good idea. Guinea pigs are not known for their cleanliness, and I don't always see who was holding her to remind them to go to the bathroom to wash their hands.
The kids are already asking about Yearley! It is a grade 6 tradition to go on an overnight trip to the Yearley Outdoor Education Centre near Huntsville. When the class is a 5/6 split, the grade 5s have the luxury of going twice! Once in grade 5, then again in grade 6. We have been booked for October 14 and 15. We need parent volunteers for pretty much everything - grocery shopping the day before, spending the night and coming during the day to help cook and supervise activities. Please book it on your calendar and if you are able to join us, you can either send a note in your child's agenda or send me an email at .
As for the academic side of things, this is what we are working on:
MATH: place value and representing numbers
FRENCH: autobiographies
ENGLISH: media studies with Ms. Terry and spelling with me
SCIENCE: 5s - the human body
6s - flight
SOCIAL STUDIES: 5s - First Nations and Europeans in New France and Early Canada
6s - Communities in Canada, Past and Present.
There have been a great number of changes to the Ontario Social Studies Curriculum. I would suggest that you go on the Ministry website to familiarize yourself with them.
Have a wonderful week!
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